Wednesday, September 5, 2012

ESG Meeting 9/4/12

Welcome back everyone! Hope the first few weeks of school are going well.
To start, we are looking for volunteers to go into classrooms and recruit students to join ESG. We have a list of classes prepared that would be good to go to and talk. Also, we have already written a script up if anyone is interested in doing this. You can make up a script of your own as well if you would like.

We have a few events in mind for this semester. Thursday October 18th is the mock House Party from 8:30 to 10:30 pm. ESG would like to act out a scene at this event if we get enough volunteers. The Mankato Marathon is October 20-21st and Rake the Town is Saturday, October 27th. We will have more details on these events later. For now, just mark them on your calenders!
We also briefly went over clothing options at the first meeting. We seemed to find that most people wanted to order T-shirts this year. Any other opinions on this?? Would you be interested in ordering one? Just let us know what you are all thinking!
Lastly, if you did not get an email about the first meeting but still want to be a member of ESG, please email Audra at with your contact information. Our next meeting will be Tuesday October 2nd at 5:00 pm is CSU 202.
That is all for now!

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