Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meeting 11.23.10

ESG Meeting 11.23.10

Sweatshirts are not in yet, we are hoping they will be in by initiation. They are $27.00 and we are still accepting money for the sweatshirts. If you can't bring the money to initiation, Natalie works in the Health office where Dr. Tappe's office is, you can drop it off with her or else you can put checks in the ESG mailbox in the Health Science workroom. Please make the checks out to MSU Eta Sigma Gamma.

We have initiation next Tuesday November 30th in PH 114 at 4pm. Please try to make it there especially if you are a new member. You can also pay your initiation dues then. We are making it a potluck, so if you would like, you can bring snacks for everyone!

The YMCA Run is December 11th, if you are interested in volunteering at this please contact an officer. Also we are still accepting statements for the tobacco free policy on campus, it will count as an hour. We were thinking of helping out with a Mavericks After Dark event on February 26th, it is a Saturday night, if you are interested in it please keep your calendar open! There are more events added on the calendar on the website that we will be taking part in next semester.

Susan has set up our team for Relay For Life. If you are interested in raising money for it and being part of our Relay team, please sign up on the Relay for Life website under the Eta Sigma Gamma group from Mankato. The date for Relay For Life is April 9th. We were recently asked to help out in a safety program for Rosa Parks Elementary school. They would like a few of us to come up with a program to teach the students how to cross the street safely when they are walking to school. Recently a student from Rosa Parks was hit by a car on his way to school. If anyone is interested in that or has any ideas for it, please contact one of the officers.

Also, we're making plans for next semester, if you could please send us your schedule for next semester then we will be able to set the meeting time. Thanks!

Have a good Thanksgiving! See you at Initiation!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meeting Notes 11.09.10

ESG meeting November 9th, 2010

1. There is still an opportunity to fill out a 'Picture a Tobacco Free Campus' form for student health services. The booklet already has about 20 people in it. It will count as one hour if you fill out a form with your picture on it. Also we have sign up times if you are interested in working with the Girls on the Run 5k on December 11th. It is another great opportunity to get more hours! If you are interested in any of these opportunities, contact one of the officers.

2. We discussed the sweatshirts at our meeting. They will be half-zipped black sweatshirts with our Greek symbols embroidered on it in gold. The sweatshirts will be $27 we would like the money in by the next meeting on November 23rd. Susan and Jessica will be placing the order next Tuesday November 16th. If you did not put in a order with your sweatshirt size at the meeting then please email us by Tuesday November 16th and let us know if you would like a sweatshirt.

3. We also talked about different fundraising ideas for our ESG group. Some ideas we discussed are working concessions at sporting events and busing tables. If anyone has any other ideas that we can do to fundraise please let us know!

4. Lastly we discussed initiation for any new ESG members. We have decided to have initiation on Tuesday November 30th at 4pm. We are still figuring out where we are going to have it at, and we'll send you an email when we know for sure. If you are a new member of ESG we recommend that you try to be at initiation. Your initiation fees are also due at that time.

Our next meeting is Tuesday November 23rd at 4pm in CSU 201!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities!

1. Volunteer opportunity through United Way: The Books for Kids program is designed to instill the joy of reading in children, to distribute important parenting information, and to let parent know what is going on in their community. This program sends out over 5,500 newsletters to children ages birth through five on a monthly basis and over 4,500 books every other month. 

We need help with assembling this newsletter and getting it ready for mailing. 

We are looking for volunteers who have a couple of hours to help us with this project which involves collating, folding and taping the newsletters. Bring a friend and catch up while helping us with this important project.

** You may look at the available times and contact information to sign up at the link above!

2. Reindeer Dash YMCA and YWCA Girls on the Run 5k Walk/Run Event on Saturday, December 11: Volunteer opportunities are varied, and include the following:
  • Set up Crew (7-9am)
  • Marshals for the course (8:30-10-:30am)
  • Clean up Crew (10:30am-noon)
  • Finish Line (9-10:30am)
  • Family Activities (7:45-11am)
  • Face Painting (7:45-11am)
  • Happy Hair Station (7:45-11am)
To sign up to volunteer, email all of your contact information, preferred method of contact, and preferred tshirt size IN ADDITION to which activity of those listed above you are most interested in volunteering for. If you have no preference, discuss what times you are available.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meeting Notes October 26, 2010

Today we had recruitment, we welcomed our new members to Eta Sigma Gamma. If you or someone you know did not get on the contact list please email information to

We also talked about ordering sweatshirts. We decided on black 3/4 pullovers with a zipper with the embroidered ESG label in green or gold were what we were thinking of going with. They will be around $20-$30, we will have more information on them in the next meeting.

Susan had the form available for the Tobacco Free picture campaign. If you are interested in submitting your picture along with why you think our campus should be tobacco free then please contact Susan. These forms will only be used for the Student Health Services in a picture book that they will be showing representatives. This will also count as an hour of volunteer if you need more hours.

There is a YWCA walk/run 5k called Girls on the Run that is available for volunteer hours. They need people to set up, clean up, hand out water, and other things. It is on December 11th. If you are interested in receiving more information contact Susan at

Finally we have volunteer opportunities through Turkey 5k Fun Run in November and the Rake the Town opportunity this Saturday October 30th at 9am. Please contact one of the officers for more information.

If you need any more information on ESG please contact us at

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10.12.2010 Meeting Notes

Angie Mullen and Crystal from student health services came to talk about a proposed tobacco ban on campus. They are currently working with the American Lung Association to get our campus smoke and tobacco free. There are already 21 campuses that are smoke and tobacco free and currently 37 that are in the process of the tobacco ban. They are looking for our help in several different areas; emailing our senators to support a tobacco free campus. They also would like our help in November for the Great American Campus. They would also like our help with getting support for their picture policy book. If anyone would like to submit their picture and a story of why they would like a smoke and tobacco free campus, please contact OR one of the ESG officers. (They will use these pictures/statements to show the student senate of the support they have on campus)

We also talked about promoting our informative meeting on October 26th. We are requesting that you speak to all of your health classes about joining ESG; please contact Susan if you are able to do so, and include the Class title, section number, and time; additionally, contact Susan if you would like ESG info meeting business cards to pass out to students (or if you run out and need extras!)

We still need people to sign up for the Major fair on October 20th 11am to 1:30pm and Rake The Town on October 30th 9am-noon. Please let Susan know ASAP if you plan to be involved.

Finally, we have volunteer opportunities available through the YMCA called Girls on the Run, and a Turkey 5k Fun Run in November. Please contact one of the ESG officers for more information.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

09.28.2010 Meeting Notes

We're currently trying to put together an ESG contact list for the current school year; if you were not able to attend today's meeting, please email your phone number and preferred email address to 

There are several volunteer opportunities coming up:
  1. Assisting at the Career and Internship Expo at MSU -- Wednesday, October 6th (7:45-9am, 9-10am, 2:30-3:30pm); Thursday, October 7th (7:45-9am, 9-10am, 10-11am, 2:30-3:30pm) Email ASAP if you are interested in any of these hours. 
  2. RSO Fair -- Monday, October 4th, from 11am-1pm. This is a campus event where we will be promoting our group and encouraging others to join! Please make every effort to be there, even if it is just for a short time!
  3. Major Fair -- Wednesday, October 20th, from 11am-1:30pm. This will likely be in the CSU ballroom, and will again be a promotional event for the group, as well as the health science department!
  4. Rake the Town -- Saturday, October 30th, from 9am-Noon. We will be raking the yards of individuals who are disabled or otherwise unable to take care of it themselves-- this is a huge community event, and it has been a blast every year we have participated :) If that doesn't convince you, there will also be a FREE chili cookout sponsored by VINE when we finish raking! Also, we need rakes for this event. Please contact if you are able to provide any!
If you are able to attend any of these events, email! Remember, you have to complete 15 hours of service work each semester to remain an active ESG member and to be eligible for graduation honors.

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Memory Walk 2010.

The memory walk at Sibley Park on Tuesday, September 14 was a blast! We had the opportunity to walk for Alzheimers in one of the most beautiful locations in Mankato, as well as network with local area nursing homes that treat patients with dementia/alzheimers. There was even free pizza and soda afterward! All in all, a fun and successful event :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Leadership Conference.

The MSU Women's Center is hosting a student leadership conference specifically for women on Saturday, September 18, 2010! Please consider registering for this event -- it should be very interesting and helpful in developing leadership skills.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

09.01.2010 Meeting Notes

New officers:
- President: Susan Gerbensky
- Vice President: Natalie Hazel
- Secretary: YaRae Oh
- Treasurer: Jessica Miles

Reminder: Print out a copy of the volunteer log (on the document portion of the ESG blog) and remember to fill it out over the course of the semester!

- Health PROs hours can be counted as volunteer hours, with a maximum of 5 (for ESG purposes)

- We will meet at MSU at 4:00pm, then carpool over to the Memory Walk at Sibley Park for Alzheimer's: Tuesday, September 14 at 4:30pm. Please register online at (remember to register under team MNSU Eta Sigma Gamma!)

- We are currently planning activities for the semester; if you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the ESG officers!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

ESG/RFL Thank You Card Template.

Hello! Below is a link to a thank you card we've put together for those of you who participated in Relay for Life to send to your supporters and those who donated. The file is in Microsoft Publisher format, and there will not be a preview available; you need to download the file to view, change, and print it. Enjoy, and let us know if you have any problems getting the file!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Reminders! (March 30)

We had TONS of people missing tonight- please read all the new details so you know what's going on. I'm having great difficulity trying to get people to willingly volunteer to help prepare for events so I'm almost begging you to please start doing so.

First next week we are doing a Raffle Table for the humane society on Tuesday and Wednesday from 12-2. Therefore WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. please let me know if you can even do one hour. No one will be by themselves. The prizes will be set on display. Each ticket they buy will be $1 and they could win any of our prizes by random selection,

Relay for Life is in 2 weekends. Please come with books, pillows, cards, ipods, and whatever else you need for when you take a break in the tent.We will be selling games of beans bags, tiny tubs of playdough, and bags of popcorn! Rolek is making a second RFL online team so I'll let you know how to sign up asap.

We are pushing back Public Health Awareness Week for Tuesday, Wed, and Thurs before march of dimes and initiation weekend. That's April 20th, 21st, and 22nd. Those tables will most likely be from 12-2 as well. LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR AN HOUR ANY OF THOSE DAYS. Our topics are Summer Safety, Survival and First Aid kits, and then stress relief tables.

Initiation is on April 25th at 101 Main inside of the Holiday Inn on Riverfront. Please bring money for the big breakfast buffet and also wear your ESG apparel because we will be signing in for the March for Babies at 1pm or so after initiation. If you haven't already, please sign up for our walking team (its free to do so) at search for our team called MSU Eta Sigma Gamma. It's also a fundraiser for health babies!

Let me know if you have questions. Email or text Jenica at 6512473341

Friday, March 26, 2010

Public Health Awareness Video.

A short video to remind ourselves why public health is so important. Enjoy :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

3.15.2010 Update

Hello Eta Sigma Gammans!!
First of all, it is very likely that Eta Sigma Gamma gets to be one of, if not the only, group name on the RFL tshirts because we raised over $1,500 as of today!! If you haven't signed up for the team yet please do so ASAP. Here is the website- As for the girls on the team who've already begun raising money -- CONGRATULATIONS! You're doing an amazing job :)
2) Special Olympics was changed to March 13th and despite our 4 attempts to contact them beforehand, we never got a response. Obviously that has now passed. We have emailed several local organizations that have posted needs for volunteers on our local volunteer website so hopefully we can set up more times for getting hours done!
3) Tshirts are in and they're awesome! Please make sure you are getting your payments out of the way (new members need to do initiation fee of $40 as well before initiation)
4) After speaking with Dawn- We have to make initiation on a different day so that is yet to be decided officially. We'll let you know ASAP.
NEXT MEETING IS MARCH 16th!!!! See you then!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shirts - Update!

A note from Sandy, our treasurer:

Hey girls,
So with the number of shirts we ordered the prices dropped to $13 for short sleeve and $16 for long sleeve. You can start paying for them anytime. They will be here by next weeks meeting so if you don't find Jenica or myself by then bring money with you. Make checks payabe to Eta Sigma Gamma. It can be brought down to the Campus Computer store where I work otherwise dropped of by the health science office in the Highland North building in our ESG box. Any questions or need to contact me to pay just send me an email. Also for new members dues will be $40 you can pay those along with your shirts or sometime before initiation at the end of the semester.

Thanks Sandy Popowski 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2.18.10 Updates

Sandy would like to remind everyone that if they haven't ordered a tshirt yet to please email her with your type and size asap. She is putting in our order next week. Her email is
Next meeting we will be discussing new topics! Sara K has asked about doing an eating disorder awareness event of some type which we think will be great! She needs help brainstorming, organizing, and preparing so let her or Jenica know if you'd like to be on the Eating Disorder Committee!
We will also be discussing what to do for public health awareness week and for Busters tip night for BENCHS. We'll need to start organizing groups to create adveritsing posters for all of our events and so on. Please participate as much as you can!
Don't forget about the YMCA Triathalon coming up in 2 weekends! It's Feb 27th for those of you who are officially picked as volunteers.

See you next week!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Website Updates!

Hey Everyone!

Some exciting new updates to our website have been made! There are links to the important ESG documents (ie phone lists, volunteer logs, etc) AND a brand new link to the official ESG google calendar, which lists our important volunteer opportunities and their dates/times!! You can scroll using the arrow buttons to look at everything coming up and click on each event for more details. Also, there is a small print icon above the calendar that you can click to print a list of everything on the calendar :)

If you experience any trouble with these changes, please let Susan ( know, and they will be fixed ASAP. Enjoy, and we'll see you at the recruitment pizza party next Tuesday! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1-26-2010 Meeting Notes.

1) There is a small group of members getting together sometime friday afternoon to make posters for the sandwich boards. If you'd like to help text Jenica at: 6512473341. For those of you who couldn't attend- Our speaker, Bonnie Frisk, is requesting our help to promote her smoking ban survey and we are making sandwich boards signs and having a booth to encourage people to fill out the survey. Hopefully, she's taken our suggestions on how to improve the whole thing =)
2) Following are the dates for a few of our upcoming events- 3/19 Special Olympics, 4/10 Relay for Life 6pm to 4/11 6am, and 4/25 March of Dimes. Write them down and make plans to attend!
3) Jolene brought some great volunteer opportunities to us from the YMCA. We had a great number of people sign up for both events at the meeting and anyone who'd like to be apart of them email or text Jenica by Friday. Volunteers get shirts for both events! They MIGHT not need everyone so if you're signed up and do not get contacted, you were most likely not randomly selected from our list of willing participants for a lady named Joy. She is the main contact person. The events are the indoor triathalon Sat. Feb 27th 7am-12pm and the fun run Sat. March 6th 8am-1030am.
4) Recruitment week next week!!! The sign up sheet is posted on our blog website- please view it and pick a class you can make a quick presentation to. Contact the professor to ask them for permission and obtain a small stack of our flyers to pass out (they'll be in our ESG mailbox which is in the Health Science Workroom in Highland North). Our pizza party is FEB 9TH!
5) If you didn't get a volunteer log sheet please set up a time to meet with Jenica or a place where she can drop one off for you. They are also available on our website to be printed off!
6) Next meeting we will be handing out a sheet on ESG expectations for professionalism- we'll talk more about this in person and then notes will be taken on the discussion.
7) Any ESG member who'd like to have a piece published in the Eta Sigma Gamma Monograph? We have the information for you!
8) GOOD IDEA- Keep track of all the activities and events you do with ESG to be able to add to your resume and/or your portfolio after you leave MNSU!

Thanks for your enthusiasm and support, everyone! Good luck recruiting :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Meetig Reminder!

Please remember we have our second meeting tomorrow with tons of volunteer opportunities to sign up for and that we will be handing out your volunteer hour log sheet!
We are also lucky enough to have a presented scheduled to begin at about 4:05 so please come on time if possible. Her name is Bonnie Frisk and she does grant writing for the state. She is asking for our help along with the Colleges Against Cancer organization to somehow promote the smoking ban on campus -- she will explain the whole thing at the meeting.
If you are one of the members that can not make it to meetings- Please let Jenica know when she can give you a log sheet. Continue to check back often for minute meetings and read the emails we send out in order to be current with our events!! Also, you need to make sure you sign up for events early so the end of the semester doesn't coming sneaking up on you - Thanks, and see everyone tomorrow!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Meeting of the Spring Semester!

Hello Everyone!
Our first meeting will be January 12th in CSU 202 at 4 pm. Tuesday at 4 worked best for the majority of people!
Bring any ideas you have for the semester. I've attached the schedule of our meetings for this semester. One more will be scheduled on April 12th which is not listed because I have to reserve a different room due to conferences on campus taking over our room...
If you were not active last semester and would like to be this semester please let one of the officers know!
Can't wait to see all of your shining faces :)