Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hello everybody,

At todays meeting a lot of different things were discussed!

First off, past meetings haven't necessarily been required, but were recommended to attend. Now, we are requiring members to attend at least 4/5 of the meetings left this semester. We feel as if it is very important and beneficial for all members to attend.

Next, we have numerous events coming up:

Homecoming Parade (Saturday, September 28, 10 am - 1 pm): We will be walking with the Health Science department and will be wearing matching health science shirts. We will be tie-dying the shirts sometime next week so if you would like to participate in the parade please let us know your shirt size by this FRIDAY! We will then let you know when we are tie-dying.

House Party (Thursday, October 17, 7 pm- 10 pm)

Mankato Marathon (Sunday October 20, 8 am - 12 pm)

Rake the Town (Saturday, October 26, 8 am - 12 pm)
Last, we will be meeting as a group at Applebees next Wednesday to get to know each other better! We want this to be a fun year for everyone.
Have a great few weeks!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Meeting of 2013-2014 School Year

Welcome back everyone!

At our first meeting (September 3rd,2013) of the school year we talked about many different things. For starters, we introduced all of the new board members, as well as all of the club members. We also played a fun "get to know you" game.

We then discussed making a roster with everyones name and phone number on the list, that way if any members need to get in contact with each other everyone will have that information. We also talked about recruiting, like going into classes and dorms, hoping to get more members.

At the meeting we brought up how we would like the members to know each other better this year, as opposed to previous years where everyone barley knew each others names. So, we talked about possibly having a get together at Applebees or something like that.

We then discussed the different volunteer opportunities coming up, like house party, the Mankato Marathon, setting up lights in Sibley park, and other things like that. Many of these things will be discussed at the next meeting, especially house party since that is coming up quickly.

Overall it was a great first meeting, and we can't wait to get this year started! The next meeting will be September 17th, 2013 at 4:15pm in CSU 202. Hope to see you all there!