Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hello everybody,

At todays meeting a lot of different things were discussed!

First off, past meetings haven't necessarily been required, but were recommended to attend. Now, we are requiring members to attend at least 4/5 of the meetings left this semester. We feel as if it is very important and beneficial for all members to attend.

Next, we have numerous events coming up:

Homecoming Parade (Saturday, September 28, 10 am - 1 pm): We will be walking with the Health Science department and will be wearing matching health science shirts. We will be tie-dying the shirts sometime next week so if you would like to participate in the parade please let us know your shirt size by this FRIDAY! We will then let you know when we are tie-dying.

House Party (Thursday, October 17, 7 pm- 10 pm)

Mankato Marathon (Sunday October 20, 8 am - 12 pm)

Rake the Town (Saturday, October 26, 8 am - 12 pm)
Last, we will be meeting as a group at Applebees next Wednesday to get to know each other better! We want this to be a fun year for everyone.
Have a great few weeks!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Meeting of 2013-2014 School Year

Welcome back everyone!

At our first meeting (September 3rd,2013) of the school year we talked about many different things. For starters, we introduced all of the new board members, as well as all of the club members. We also played a fun "get to know you" game.

We then discussed making a roster with everyones name and phone number on the list, that way if any members need to get in contact with each other everyone will have that information. We also talked about recruiting, like going into classes and dorms, hoping to get more members.

At the meeting we brought up how we would like the members to know each other better this year, as opposed to previous years where everyone barley knew each others names. So, we talked about possibly having a get together at Applebees or something like that.

We then discussed the different volunteer opportunities coming up, like house party, the Mankato Marathon, setting up lights in Sibley park, and other things like that. Many of these things will be discussed at the next meeting, especially house party since that is coming up quickly.

Overall it was a great first meeting, and we can't wait to get this year started! The next meeting will be September 17th, 2013 at 4:15pm in CSU 202. Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Initiation 4/25/13

Hey all!

Last night was initiation.  We initiated three new members. Congratulations to them! Since we are now done with meetings for the semester, make sure you get your hours emailed to us so we can get them recorded. Thank you!

Also, we will be emailing a ballot to elect officers for next year. This way everyone will get a chance to vote!

If there is anyone else planning on graduating this year let us know ASAP so we can get you your cords for graduation.

We hope you all have a great summer and see you next year!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Meeting 4-10-13

Hi everyone!

Relay for Life is this Friday from 6pm to 6am! We will be selling hot drinks (hot chocolate, coffee, tea) and birthday cards to decorate.  Hope you can make it for just a little bit or the whole time!

The Elementary Science Fair is Saturday April 27th.  Everyone must register individually but can sign up to judge with a friend.  This is a fun event so try your best to make it!

The Arthritis Walk is May 4th at 9am.  You can sign up for this event online to walk with our group.

The next meeting will be April 25 at 5:30 pm.  This meeting will also be initiation if there are any last minute members that want to join!

Lastly, all hours are due at the next meeting.  If you cannot make it they can be emailed as well! :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Meeting 3/27/13

Hi everyone!

On Thursday, March 28th there is a free pizza lunch from 11-12 pm.  It is a meet and greet with Dr. Joseph Vicker who is a potentially new faculty member.  It can be counted as an hour if you go!

The Food and Fitness Expo is Wednesday, April 10th from 10-2.  We will be doing a "Make Your Own Trail-mix" stand.  Let us know if you would still like to sign up to help.

Relay for Life is Friday April 12th from 6pm to 6am.  At our stand, we will be making birthday cards and selling hot chocolate, coffee, and tea.  If you have not signed up online for this event yet make sure you do. It is a great way to get hours and is always very fun!

The Elementary Science Fair is Saturday, April 27th.  It usually runs for a few hours in the morning and is done by 1.  We cannot sign up for this as a group, so you must sign up individually online.  The form does allow you to write in the name of a friend that you would like to judge with, though. 

The Arthritis Walk is Saturday, May 4th at 9 am at North Mankato's Spring Lake Park.  There will be more to come on this event later, but for now just keep your calendars open!

Does anyone know of any new members that would like to be initiated this semester? If so, let us know as soon as possible so we can set a date for initiation!

Lastly, at the meeting today we decided to move the meeting times to 5:30.  We hope that this will make it more convenient for everyone to be there.

The next meeting will be April 10th at 5:30 pm in CSU 258.
Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meeting 2/27/13

Hi everyone!

Tonight at the meeting we started by reminding everyone that the Eta Sigma Gamma Scholarship is due this Friday the 1st of March in the Health Science Office. Good luck!

On Wednesday April 10th is the Food and Fitness Expo in the CSU.  We will be doing a booth with trail mix like we have in the past.  It runs from 10-2.  If you are able to help out with any of it let us know!

Relay for Life is Friday, April 12 this year.  The deadline for signing up is March 19th in order to be guaranteed a T-shirt.  We will be doing coloring books and birthday cards this year, along with coffee tea and hot chocolate.  It runs from 6pm to 6am.  Feel free to stop by for a few hours or stay the whole time! It is always alot of fun, and a great way to get hours!

Finally, the Elementary Science Fair is Saturday, April 27th.  Everyone must sign up individually to judge this event, but you can sign up to judge a category with someone else.  This can be done at .

Also, let us know if you know of any more events that we could volunteer at as a group.

The next meeting will be March 27th at 5pm in CSU 285. See you all there!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Meeting 1/30/13

Welcome back! We hope everyone enjoyed their break and had a good start to spring semester.
First thing, we decided this semester that it would be a good idea to help out the local food shelf.  If you bring in a few food shelf items to the next meeting they can be counted as an hour towards this semester.
Wednesday, February 13th is the Safer Sex Carnival.  We will have a stand set up in the CSU with the games Show What You Know and a Condom Competition.  If you are willing to help with this, you can email us to sign up to help anytime between 10 am to 2 pm.
Relay for Life is Friday, April 12th from 6pm to 6am.  You should have received an email to sign up for this.  You can come anytime and stay for the whole time or just a few hours! 
The Elementary Science Fair is April 27th.  This is an event that you must sign up for individually, but it will still count as hours for the semester.  We will let you know at the next meeting how to sign up for this event.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 13 at 5pm in CSU 258.