Friday, November 30, 2012

Initation Fall 2012

ESG is having initation on December 4th at 4:30 pm in MF 129. Please make sure you are on the sign up list if you are wishing to be initated! You can find out if you are signed up by email Audra at

Also remember to bring something to eat to share with everyone for our potluck! It will be nice to have a social time with food and fun!

We look forward to initiating our new members!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Meeting 11/13/12

Hi everyone!

Today at the meeting we went over tshirt and sweatshirt orders.  If anyone else is interested in ordering one we would like to have the orders and money by Friday, so let one of us know as soon as possible!

The fundraising for Kwianas Holiday Lights is this Saturday at Sibley Park.  We are meeting at 11:45 in the free lot.  We could use more volunteers and is a great way to get hours.

Initiation is scheduled for December 4th at 4:30 pm in MF 129.  If you are planning to be initiated you must attend (let us know if you have conflicts). Anyone is welcome!  Also, it is a potluck so please bring something to share! :)

Please note that there will not be a meeting on the 24th of November since initiation is the following Tuesday.

That is all for today. Have a great thanksgiving!