Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meeting 11.23.10

ESG Meeting 11.23.10

Sweatshirts are not in yet, we are hoping they will be in by initiation. They are $27.00 and we are still accepting money for the sweatshirts. If you can't bring the money to initiation, Natalie works in the Health office where Dr. Tappe's office is, you can drop it off with her or else you can put checks in the ESG mailbox in the Health Science workroom. Please make the checks out to MSU Eta Sigma Gamma.

We have initiation next Tuesday November 30th in PH 114 at 4pm. Please try to make it there especially if you are a new member. You can also pay your initiation dues then. We are making it a potluck, so if you would like, you can bring snacks for everyone!

The YMCA Run is December 11th, if you are interested in volunteering at this please contact an officer. Also we are still accepting statements for the tobacco free policy on campus, it will count as an hour. We were thinking of helping out with a Mavericks After Dark event on February 26th, it is a Saturday night, if you are interested in it please keep your calendar open! There are more events added on the calendar on the website that we will be taking part in next semester.

Susan has set up our team for Relay For Life. If you are interested in raising money for it and being part of our Relay team, please sign up on the Relay for Life website under the Eta Sigma Gamma group from Mankato. The date for Relay For Life is April 9th. We were recently asked to help out in a safety program for Rosa Parks Elementary school. They would like a few of us to come up with a program to teach the students how to cross the street safely when they are walking to school. Recently a student from Rosa Parks was hit by a car on his way to school. If anyone is interested in that or has any ideas for it, please contact one of the officers.

Also, we're making plans for next semester, if you could please send us your schedule for next semester then we will be able to set the meeting time. Thanks!

Have a good Thanksgiving! See you at Initiation!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meeting Notes 11.09.10

ESG meeting November 9th, 2010

1. There is still an opportunity to fill out a 'Picture a Tobacco Free Campus' form for student health services. The booklet already has about 20 people in it. It will count as one hour if you fill out a form with your picture on it. Also we have sign up times if you are interested in working with the Girls on the Run 5k on December 11th. It is another great opportunity to get more hours! If you are interested in any of these opportunities, contact one of the officers.

2. We discussed the sweatshirts at our meeting. They will be half-zipped black sweatshirts with our Greek symbols embroidered on it in gold. The sweatshirts will be $27 we would like the money in by the next meeting on November 23rd. Susan and Jessica will be placing the order next Tuesday November 16th. If you did not put in a order with your sweatshirt size at the meeting then please email us by Tuesday November 16th and let us know if you would like a sweatshirt.

3. We also talked about different fundraising ideas for our ESG group. Some ideas we discussed are working concessions at sporting events and busing tables. If anyone has any other ideas that we can do to fundraise please let us know!

4. Lastly we discussed initiation for any new ESG members. We have decided to have initiation on Tuesday November 30th at 4pm. We are still figuring out where we are going to have it at, and we'll send you an email when we know for sure. If you are a new member of ESG we recommend that you try to be at initiation. Your initiation fees are also due at that time.

Our next meeting is Tuesday November 23rd at 4pm in CSU 201!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities!

1. Volunteer opportunity through United Way: The Books for Kids program is designed to instill the joy of reading in children, to distribute important parenting information, and to let parent know what is going on in their community. This program sends out over 5,500 newsletters to children ages birth through five on a monthly basis and over 4,500 books every other month. 

We need help with assembling this newsletter and getting it ready for mailing. 

We are looking for volunteers who have a couple of hours to help us with this project which involves collating, folding and taping the newsletters. Bring a friend and catch up while helping us with this important project.

** You may look at the available times and contact information to sign up at the link above!

2. Reindeer Dash YMCA and YWCA Girls on the Run 5k Walk/Run Event on Saturday, December 11: Volunteer opportunities are varied, and include the following:
  • Set up Crew (7-9am)
  • Marshals for the course (8:30-10-:30am)
  • Clean up Crew (10:30am-noon)
  • Finish Line (9-10:30am)
  • Family Activities (7:45-11am)
  • Face Painting (7:45-11am)
  • Happy Hair Station (7:45-11am)
To sign up to volunteer, email all of your contact information, preferred method of contact, and preferred tshirt size IN ADDITION to which activity of those listed above you are most interested in volunteering for. If you have no preference, discuss what times you are available.