Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January = Cervical Awareness Month

January is cervical health awareness month. It is a month to remember how women can protect themselves from the human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer. HPV is a virus spread through sexual activity and is a leading cause of cervical cancer.
Annually, 13,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with cervical cancer (The National Cervical Cancer Coalition [NCCC], 2017). However, HPV, the virus that often causes cervical cancer, is preventable with vaccination and screening (including pap and HPV testing).
You may think, “How can I help with any of this?” There are actually a few things you can do:
1. Encourage women to visit a gynecologist this year.
2. Let women know that insurance plans cover most gynecologist visits and cervical cancer screening (depending on insurance, some may get services at no charge).
3. Talk to parents about the importance of getting their pre-teens and teens, both boys and girls, to get the HPV vaccine.
National Cervical Cancer Coalition. (2017). Cervical health awareness month. Retrieved from…/cervical-health-awareness-mon…/

Sunday, October 23, 2016

National Health Education Week

This past week, ESG celebrated National Health Education Week. Each day represented a different partnership:

Monday October 17: Community Health, Health Inequities, and Faith-based Partnerships
Tuesday October 18: Worksite Health Partnerships
Wednesday October 19: School Health Partnerships
Thursday October 20: Government Organizational Partnerships
Friday October 21: Academic Partnerships

ESG is a proud supporter of SOPHE and a strong advocate for health partnerships! Programs and projects can be done on your own, but with the help of another, those projects and programs are much more abundant and effective. Thanks to our partners: Partners for Affordable Housing, YWCA Mankato, Minnesota State University Mankato Health Science Department, Faculty and professors of Community Health, YMCA Mankato, LEEP of Mankato, University of Wisconsin La Crosse Beta Phi Chapter, and Salvation Army of Rochester, Minnesota. Thank you to our partners for all your support and kindness! #NHEW2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Welcome and Hello!

Hello everyone.

ESG has kicked off the 2016 Fall semester. We have already participated in multiple volunteer opportunities such as helping freshmen move in in late August as Move-In Crew. Another neat opportunity we had the chance to help out at was helping the Salvation Army South Store in Rochester, Minnesota re-paint some of their walls. Our chapter collaborated with the La Crosse, Wisconsin chapter to put this event on. It was a great experience and everyone had a good time getting to know each chapter better as well as volunteering and helping the Salvation Army out.

Events that are coming up include the Initiation Ceremony, which will be held on Sunday September 25. This semester we have 15 new members! It's a record! ESG is proud to announce that there are currently 30 members for Fall 2016. Another event coming up is our first social which will take place at Buffalo Wild Wings on Tuesday the 27. We are excited to get to know one another better and network. Yet another event coming up is our first fundraiser of the semester. It will take place on Wednesday September 28 from 10am to 2pm in the CSU Mall outside. We will be selling baked goods and protein bombs. Please do stop by and help us fundraise! All proceeds will go towards helping students go to the SOPHE conference come spring 2017. We would like to support as many students as possible in going because it is a great way to network with public health officials as well as building professional development. It would be wonderful to have a presence represent the Beta Kappa chapter of MSU.

ESG is excited to work with exceptional students this year. Can't wait to see what the year holds for this chapter!

All the best,


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hello everybody,

At todays meeting a lot of different things were discussed!

First off, past meetings haven't necessarily been required, but were recommended to attend. Now, we are requiring members to attend at least 4/5 of the meetings left this semester. We feel as if it is very important and beneficial for all members to attend.

Next, we have numerous events coming up:

Homecoming Parade (Saturday, September 28, 10 am - 1 pm): We will be walking with the Health Science department and will be wearing matching health science shirts. We will be tie-dying the shirts sometime next week so if you would like to participate in the parade please let us know your shirt size by this FRIDAY! We will then let you know when we are tie-dying.

House Party (Thursday, October 17, 7 pm- 10 pm)

Mankato Marathon (Sunday October 20, 8 am - 12 pm)

Rake the Town (Saturday, October 26, 8 am - 12 pm)
Last, we will be meeting as a group at Applebees next Wednesday to get to know each other better! We want this to be a fun year for everyone.
Have a great few weeks!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Meeting of 2013-2014 School Year

Welcome back everyone!

At our first meeting (September 3rd,2013) of the school year we talked about many different things. For starters, we introduced all of the new board members, as well as all of the club members. We also played a fun "get to know you" game.

We then discussed making a roster with everyones name and phone number on the list, that way if any members need to get in contact with each other everyone will have that information. We also talked about recruiting, like going into classes and dorms, hoping to get more members.

At the meeting we brought up how we would like the members to know each other better this year, as opposed to previous years where everyone barley knew each others names. So, we talked about possibly having a get together at Applebees or something like that.

We then discussed the different volunteer opportunities coming up, like house party, the Mankato Marathon, setting up lights in Sibley park, and other things like that. Many of these things will be discussed at the next meeting, especially house party since that is coming up quickly.

Overall it was a great first meeting, and we can't wait to get this year started! The next meeting will be September 17th, 2013 at 4:15pm in CSU 202. Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Initiation 4/25/13

Hey all!

Last night was initiation.  We initiated three new members. Congratulations to them! Since we are now done with meetings for the semester, make sure you get your hours emailed to us so we can get them recorded. Thank you!

Also, we will be emailing a ballot to elect officers for next year. This way everyone will get a chance to vote!

If there is anyone else planning on graduating this year let us know ASAP so we can get you your cords for graduation.

We hope you all have a great summer and see you next year!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Meeting 4-10-13

Hi everyone!

Relay for Life is this Friday from 6pm to 6am! We will be selling hot drinks (hot chocolate, coffee, tea) and birthday cards to decorate.  Hope you can make it for just a little bit or the whole time!

The Elementary Science Fair is Saturday April 27th.  Everyone must register individually but can sign up to judge with a friend.  This is a fun event so try your best to make it!

The Arthritis Walk is May 4th at 9am.  You can sign up for this event online to walk with our group.

The next meeting will be April 25 at 5:30 pm.  This meeting will also be initiation if there are any last minute members that want to join!

Lastly, all hours are due at the next meeting.  If you cannot make it they can be emailed as well! :)